Want to know what sort of a kisser you are and what kind of passion you can ignite in your partner’s life? Here is a piece on what kind of kisser you are and how the stars influence your lip-locking talents. Let’s see what passionate kisses you exude in your destiny of romance and erotica:
Your kisses are full of life. You are a lustful creature and very passionate by nature. Your kisses are unrelenting, passionate and delicious. You also set aside a sensitive part of your kisses for a special someone. Your kisses can awaken the sensual side of the most frigid of maidens. You have been known to make every woman feel like one, and this you do by your manly kisses full of raw desire and seductiveness.
You are a kind who believes that kisses that last long are the best. You like to take time with every kiss and relish every moment of the kiss. Your kiss can pull the heartstrings of any woman you love. You view a kiss as your special stamp of romance. If love is a cure, then your kiss would be the prescription to a good romantic life.
Your kisses are refined and detailed. You are analytical and carefree at the same time. Your kisses may not be unique but you can make even the most boring types of kisses special. You love to chat, smile and even make digs at kisses. You love to go slow on your kissing conquest and pick up speed as the smooch progresses from warm to super-hot.
Your kisses are kind and gentle. You value love the most and you treasure it with utmost care. Naturally your kisses are for the keeps, full of care and unspoken love. Your kiss is poetry by itself. Simply speaking, your kisses are irresistible and your partner will always come wanting for more of that loving and selfless kiss.
You kiss with pride and with carefree attitude. You are the lion and there is plenty of meat around. You don’t like to hold onto one thing or one person. But when one is with you, you will enjoy her and give every bit of your sexual self to her to the best of your abilities. You are the man and she is yours. You love to make her putty in your arms. You want to dominate her, show who is in control. Your kisses are more like love bites, and you make love with wild lust. You want an appreciation for your king-size performance, it boosts your ego. You love to tread on the dangerous side of love. It gives you a roar.
Your kisses are clean and tidy. You hate to make a mess. Women who are mostly cleanliness fixated tend to love your company because you are particular and meticulous about everything. You are the first one to make sure that your kiss is clean and healthy for your woman.
You are conscious and cautious about everything. You are a fantastic kisser, however what stops you from being the best is your sense of consciousness. You are so held up with the thought of giving the best for your beloved that you miss out on enjoying the moments of the kiss. Let loose your fetish for perfection, your woman will be happy with your kisses.
Kisses are not all that important. Lips….hmm…okay, but there are other parts also on a woman’s anatomy right like the …..? You don’t care much about the kisses though it is okay. You wonder why this article is written in the first place. Kissing after all is something natural and one should not waste so much print space and cyber space on it. What happens after kissing is more of your concern. One of them would be an interesting stimulating round of sex.
Women love you for the surprises you keep springing and your playful nature. You love to surprise a woman by kissing her suddenly. You are the jovial, spontaneous kind for whom kissing is a game, a fun element which can lead onto other happy things. You will always keep your woman guessing for your next move and wanting for more of those delicious surprises.
Your kisses are therapeutic in nature. Your love has an added feature of being a tension reliever and stress buster. You can cheer up most girls who are feeling low by just being yourself. Your kiss is natural and a woman is maddened by the intensity and depth of your kiss which has an unspoken message in it. You are one guy who will never act it out. Your soul is omnipresent in all of your kisses.
Your kisses are wet and messy. That is the way you like to keep it and you don’t regret it. You like to see what you are doing and you do not like to keep your eyes closed, while kissing. You are a red-blooded flirt and you love to taste the kisses. The only way you can differentiate between tastes will be lip-locking other girls as well. Kissing is more of a conquest to you.
Your kiss is long-lasting and romantic. You value the kiss and you will never be happy till your woman is happy. You will stop at no end to see that your woman loves every moment with you. You will pamper her, call her, and shower her with gifts. When you kiss her, you make sure that it is done in a place which will be forever treasured in her heart.
Romance Is The Key To A Successful Relationship
Romance is the key to a successful relationship. Are you lacking romance in your relationship and wondering how to get it? Just relax, it's very easy than to get it back once it's gone. It is very risky for both of the partners to be in such a situation because the relationship can easily dry off. Romance is all about what made you get attracted to one another and trying to keep it real and alive. Remember romance is the key to a successful relationship and thus try to keep romance in your relationship burning. Never lose that first urge that drove you close to your spouse the first time you met. Try to keep on the fire that was burning in your first days of your dating.
Have you ever wondered where the first love goes to when people get married? It is well noted that when people get married, the romance that drew them close to each other starts to dry off and they ends up losing the close intact that they had towards each other. You might be there and wondering how to rekindle your love frame? It is simple, all you need to do is never to let go off the first flush that you had when you met for the first time. Remember the good things that you used to do to make your partner happy and how you used to re-live the romance that used to exist within you. Its a fact that romance is the key to a successful relationship and there is no relationship that can succeed without romance. Keep your relationship romantic and you will never regret!
Romance adds spice to a relatioship and strengthen the bond between the lovers. It is through romance that a relationship is built and through it, love is born. I wonder why people get bored so fast in their romantic life especially when the target of their love is achieved. This happens when they get married, does it mean that romance is meant for people who are dating only and dies off when they get married? According to my opinion romance should be more empasized when people are dating and mostly applied when they are married. Marriage is rooted from romance and therefore romance is the key to a successful relationship.
Wondering how to keep romance in your relationship? Why can't you do the crazy things that you used to do when you were newly attached? Arrange for trips and outings as you used to do when love was at its climax. Take a walk together when you are both free and engage in such talks that re-live the memories of the past and good old days of your courtship. You may hold your spouse, kiss, hug or even take a shower together, these are the common tips that make your romance life refreshed and strengthened. Romance is the key to a successful relationship and everyone engaged in a relationship should should keep it romantic and real.
Have you ever wondered where the first love goes to when people get married? It is well noted that when people get married, the romance that drew them close to each other starts to dry off and they ends up losing the close intact that they had towards each other. You might be there and wondering how to rekindle your love frame? It is simple, all you need to do is never to let go off the first flush that you had when you met for the first time. Remember the good things that you used to do to make your partner happy and how you used to re-live the romance that used to exist within you. Its a fact that romance is the key to a successful relationship and there is no relationship that can succeed without romance. Keep your relationship romantic and you will never regret!
Romance adds spice to a relatioship and strengthen the bond between the lovers. It is through romance that a relationship is built and through it, love is born. I wonder why people get bored so fast in their romantic life especially when the target of their love is achieved. This happens when they get married, does it mean that romance is meant for people who are dating only and dies off when they get married? According to my opinion romance should be more empasized when people are dating and mostly applied when they are married. Marriage is rooted from romance and therefore romance is the key to a successful relationship.
Wondering how to keep romance in your relationship? Why can't you do the crazy things that you used to do when you were newly attached? Arrange for trips and outings as you used to do when love was at its climax. Take a walk together when you are both free and engage in such talks that re-live the memories of the past and good old days of your courtship. You may hold your spouse, kiss, hug or even take a shower together, these are the common tips that make your romance life refreshed and strengthened. Romance is the key to a successful relationship and everyone engaged in a relationship should should keep it romantic and real.
The Perfect Romantic Kisses
Kiss – The act of caressing with the lips.

All Over Kiss – It begins with a gentle kiss on your partner’s forehead, moving down slowly to the eyelids, gently forcing them to shut; feeling that warm passionate breath of yours, slowly moving again down to the nose, to tenderly delivering your best kiss right onto the lips; exploring on, with your own imagination creating that anticipation of excitement for your partner.
Angel Kiss – A kiss with a touch of gentleness, kissing gently on your partner’s lips or eyelids, providing a very sweet, comforting, assuring feeling.

French Kiss – The most popular type of kiss. An open mouth kiss having your tongue in and out of your partner’s mouth, touching their tongue as they do the same.
Surprise Kiss - While French kissing, feeling your partner’s tongue inside of your mouth, gently suck their tongue, catching them unaware, giving them a little surprise. This will certainly bring about a further feeling of thrill and excitement.
Wake Up Kiss – Certainly the most pleasing and refreshing way to be waken up. No specific techniques but of course, before your partner awakes. Just do it gently kissing softly on the cheek or forehead, getting your partner’s attention; moving slowly over to their lips, wishing them a special “Good Morning”.

Sweety Kiss – A fun cheeky way of sharing your fruits, ideal during your usual evening fruits time on the couch in front of the TV. With your partner close beside you, take a small piece of fruit, place it between your lips and make your way to the lips of your partner, offering him or her a share of it. You nibble one half of it while he or she nibble the other half, allowing the sweetness of the fruit to run into your mouths, finally finishing it with a wonderful romantic kiss.
Tempting Kiss – Passionately, look into the eyes of your partner, seducing him or her, moving in close slowly with your lips half open ready to deliver your kiss. The moment you touches your partner’s lips, close your lips slowly, then slowly open them again. Move away when your partner closes in, but move forward again before he or she got the chance to look at you, giving your partner a real good kiss. When they are indulged and so lost into your kiss, move away again, looking as passionately into their eyes. Now you got them! Once you started the flame, there is no way that it is going to be put out just that easy. Your partner will definitely want more!
Mimic Kiss – A fun cheeky way of amusing your partner. Return your partner’s kiss with a duplicate of what he or she just delivered with their kisses, making it so obvious that he or she would realize. It would appear like making fun of your partner but more often than not, it will end up with more exchanging of kisses between the both.
Whispering Kiss – While engaging in a kiss, move your lips slowly over to the side of the neck, gently kissing your way up to the ear, blowing that hot passionate breath of yours into the ear, softly nibbling on it, to whispering a little words of “I Love You”, delivering this special three words right straight into your partner’s heart.
Well I am sure you did tried before a few of the above kisses? Perhaps an even more interesting one? Yours very own special kiss, of just between you and your partner? Not to of course forget about that very first kiss between you and your partner, it was sure memorable isn’t it? Hmm… whatever it is, just keep that flame of love burning!
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